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Library Services
The mission of the Library Media Program is to ensure that students and staff learn to locate, organize and use information effectively and enjoy reading.




The Granville Schools libraries do not charge any overdue or late fees.


To view checkouts or renew materials visit our online catalog. Click on My Account in the upper right corner. In the User ID box put in student's lunch number (student ID number). In the PIN box type in date of birth (2 digit for month and day, no year, ex.: August 21 would be entered as 0821)


Lost Materials

If your child has lost any library materials, the item needs to be replaced. Please take time to look all around. Check your own book shelves, car seats and backpacks. If you have no success in finding the lost item, you may purchase a similar copy of the title or pay for the lost item. Please see the library teacher for the replacement cost.


End of the Year
All books are due before the end of school for inventory. The final due date for all materials will be determined after spring break.


iSearch Online Catalog

Use iSearch to search our catalog, place holds on books, and check your account.


Resources are at your fingertips when you to use this site. Ask your library teacher for the magic words to unlock this terrific resource.


Contact Us

Sarah Sherwood

Library Media Specialist

740-587-8102 x. 2243

Photo of Sarah Sherwood